Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Your bedroom speaks volume of your personality as a lady. Being feminine isn't just all about how you dress, it your lifestyle how you dress, look, your opinion about youself, your walking steps, how comfortable you are with your body, your enviroment and ofcourse your day to day activities.
Talking about your enviroment brings us to this very interesting topic" Your bedroom" how feminine is it?. This article is designed to give you some more idea on how you can make your room feminine. How beautiful your room is, is characterise by how well arranged it is, how colourful talking about your colour blend, how comfortable it is.

Tips to making your room more feminine.

1.  Choose the colour you are comfortable with.your choice of colour must be feminine like yellow, different shades of pink, cream, orange get the colour you have natural affinity for. I am still going to talk more on colours, what they mean and how we react to them pychologically so you want to find out more about the colours you choose and how to blend them well.
This image shows variety of feminine colours.

2. The colour of your wall will have a great impact on the total outlook of your room you can  display a little creativity on you bedroom walls by the use of colourful wall papers, you can have a plain painted wall on one side and flowery wall paper on the other can also cut the wall paper into very beautiful shapes and paste on the plain wall randomly or sequencially.

3. Consider the size of your room make sure the size of your bed is not too large , having enough space for other bed room item like your wardrobe your shoe rack hand bag hanger or closet.customise your item to the size of your room in cases of small bed room space.

4. choose your bed sheet, your bed is a centre of attraction in your room so you will need to be creative with your choice of bed sheet.A floral or a multicoloured circle dot design with soft touch of pink or yellow is beautiful with lovely blanket or a duvet as the case may be. Avoid the use of thick bed sheet materials use a soft material that will pamper your skin and will not leave your body with ugly designs when you sleep.

5. You need alot of throw pillows and soft pillows on your bed for maximum comfort, make sure the colour compliment your bed sheet and blanket.

6. Choose light with soft effect and make sure your room is thoroughly lighted and well ventillated. I also advice you get some lovely candles with feminine scent and sophisticated stand and a bed side lamp.

7. Perfect your room outlook by getting a big mirror and a dresser with a beautiful seat or stool also get a very fuzzy rug. 
If you are the type that love to have everything in your room, there is nothing wrong in having a mini gym in your bedroom have an office desk and anything you need. You can customize your bed room to your daily lifestyle.

We hope you find this article helpful.we will love to read your comments,  kindly subscribe to this blog for more update.

Saturday, 12 October 2013


You will agree with me that Cancer is a major topic on health headlines today because of it cruel grasp on both men and women, it a major disease that combat with the female gender while alot has lost their lives to it many are fighting for survivor and quite a number have been totally cured of cancer.
Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and
do not die. Normal cells in the body follow an orderly path of
growth, division, and death. Programmed cell death is called
apoptosis, and when this process breaks down, cancer begins to
form. Unlike regular cells, cancer cells do not experience
programmatic death and instead continue to grow and divide. This
leads to a mass of abnormal cells that grows out of control,there are over 100 cancers and they are classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.Among other types of cancer this article is to create awareness about breast cancer in women.
Images of breast cancer spread or growth

       A study made headlines reporting that walking an hour a

day reduces the chances of breast cancer.
Published in Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers, and Prevention and sponsored
by the American Cancer Society, the study
found an inverse association between
exercise and breast cancer in post-
menopausal women. Meaning the more
physically active a woman was, the lower
her breast cancer risk.A
Moderate physical activity reduced breast
cancer risk by 14 percent, while “vigorous”
physical activity (bicycling, jogging, aerobics
etc in addition to walking) reduced breast
cancer risk even more – by 25 percent.
The research came on the heels of another study published in
May in the same journal, this time involving younger women,
which found that exercise affects the way women’s bodies
handle estrogen.
Both studies show something important: We aren’t powerless
over breast cancer. Yes, it happens, and yes it’s scary. But
there are things we can do now that can protect ourselves. The
first one, of course, is exercise, as often and as much as you
can make time for. Here are 5 more things you can do that
research shows lower breast cancer risk.
1. Drop Those Extra Pounds
Sorry, no one wants to hear this one, but the evidence is pretty
strong. There are lots of studies, and lots of ways to quantify it,
but in a nutshell, according to the Surgeon General, gaining
more than 20 pounds between age 18 and midlife double their
risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.
One cancer researcher, Anne McTiernan of the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, says that a
quarter of all breast cancer cases could be prevented by
women achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. The
simplest explanation: estrogen is stored in fat tissue, and extra
estrogen raises breast cancer risk.

2. Put Away the Wine Bottle
If your evening ritual glass of wine is
typically more like two or three glasses, take
note. Studies have shown that drinking two
or more alcoholic drinks a day raises your
risk of breast cancer by at least 20 percent.
(I say “at least” because there are many
different studies, done in many different
ways, but a 20 percent risk elevation is one
of the more conservative.) The American
Cancer Society now recommends that
women limit alcohol to one serving or less a
And the amount in a “serving” of alcohol is a
lot less than you probably think it is; just 5 ounces of wine or
12 ounces of beer. Scientists believe the reason for this is that
alcohol changes the way your body metabolizes estrogen,
elevating estrogen levels.
The risk also seems to go up the younger you are when you
incorporate the drinking ritual. A new study out last month
found that women who were regular imbibers prior to their
first pregnancy had a higher incidence of breast abnormalities
associated with later cancer development.

3. Know Your Breast Tissue Density
Hopefully, you’ve heard by now that having dense breast tissue
raises your risk of breast cancer. But here’s the more
important issue: Do you know whether you fall in this
category? Breast tissue varies greatly in how dense it is, which
means that it has more fibrous and glandular tissue and less
If you don’t know where you fall on the spectrum, talk to your
doctor and find out. (Or ask during your next mammogram.)
It’s important, because if you fall into the 66 percent of pre-
menopausal women (and 25 percent of post-menopausal
women) who have dense breast tissue, an annual mammogram
may not be enough for you to monitor your breast health.

Monday, 7 October 2013


Dress sense is a critical aspect of every woman's life, since we are naturally endowed with beauty we must be deliberate to give our beauty a complimenting outfit,else we could be wrongly addressed.
Having a great dress senses entails deliberate acts which I will like to share with you.
Women basically are in the habit of keeping a full wardrobe full of clothes we do not need.You will agree with me that we all have preference for our certain clothes.

 Here are some steps to having a dress sense

1. Get your wardrobe sorted if it looking too filled with out-grown, out-dated or seasonal wears.

2. Find out what's new about your fashion/ style. if you are a casual person find out the cut or shape of the latest jean and how it been worn e.g boot cut, pencil jean, leggings,t- shirt new colour mix etc.

3. Plan your next shopping, make a list of your "wanna buy" and find out where you can get can try some online boutiques.resist the temptation to get all your stuff in same store it could be disadvantageous. try different stores compare prizes and also do not have to go for common stuffs try to be unique.
Note: when you are choosing your stuffs consider your existing wardrobe.for instance when you are picking a denim consider the colour of the tops in your wardrobe.alternate your plain and pattern choices.when you choose a plain top choose a pattern denim or skirt or plain top and trouser their colours compliment each other.Pick the right undies for your wears.

4. Get the right foot wears,your clothes will determine your footwear.Trainers pumps,hills,platform,sandals are to be worn differently.

5. Do not forget to get lots of accessories, it plays a major role on how your look and enhances your beauty when properly combined.

6. Plan your outfit ahead of your need a simple math here and you need to be creative with your combinations.flowery on plain,red on blue,cream on brown.Three to four colours in one outfit isn't bad but make sure four does it.
Warning:  Wearing all red could be a turn off, wear a touch of red instead.

I do hope you find this interesting let me know if you need some more help.Eze 16:10-14

zoe feminine lifestyle: lets get feminine on blogger

zoe feminine lifestyle: lets get feminine on blogger
Femininity is an endowment isn't it?