Hi ladies,
I am glad you are beginning to enjoy a more feminine lifestyle. It is usually not the norm for me to get personal on this blog, it is necessary today because of the importance of the topic am about to unveil to our femininity.
One of the things I have noticed about women is the fact that we love to keep it simple and may be say words like don't worry, nothing, am fine or never mind,no don't bother,I can go on listing the usual things we say to cover up for the things we really should say but we bottle them up within us and sometimes these things goes a long way making us depressed or unhappy.I don't want to be myopic about this discussion, honestly it is as complex as our nature so what am going to do is talk about the very obvious I have noticed and maybe talk from personal experience. So here is the thing, lets talk about self esteem, how it affects our femininity and see factors that affect our esteem as individual and collectively as females.
what is self esteem?
We all have a mental picture of who we are, how we look, what
we're good at, and what our weaknesses might be. We develop this
picture over time, starting when we're very young. The term self-
image is used to refer to a person's mental picture of himself or
herself. A lot of our self-image is based on interactions we have
with other people and our life experiences. This mental picture (our
self-image) contributes to our self-esteem
you might want to ask
why self esteem attracts this much attention?
1. Self esteem is quite important because it is about your self image and about your femininity, Let me digg this further,it is about the way you make people perceive you as a lady, most ladies feel guys dont stick around them for long i can bet often times it is because they could not perceive your good self esteem, this is so powerful because it works like magic, the way you see yourself will determine the way people sees you. If you were to be the guy would you love you if you know all you feel about yourself?
People with healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about themselves, appreciate their own worth, and take pride in their abilities, skills, and accomplishments. People with low self-esteem may feel as if no one will like them or accept them or that they can't do well in anything.
We all experience problems with self-esteem at certain times in our lives — especially during our teens when we're figuring out who we are and where we fit in the world. The good news is that, because
everyone's self-image changes over time, self-esteem is not fixed for life. So if you feel that your self-esteem isn't all it could be, you
can improve it and that is the good news.
Let's take a look at Two factors that may affect Our self esteem.
1.Our Immediate Environment: The people we were surrounded with while growing up plays significant role in forming our self esteem. For instance if you were brought up by parents who critized or found faults easily in you,then you are likely to have a low self esteem than someone whose parent praised and displayed affection.
Research has it that promiscuous women are likely to have a low self image and also higher percentage of such women does not have a cordial relationship with there parents especially father while growing up.
2. Inner voices:Another factor for low self esteem is the voices we listen to from within reminding us of our past failures how we are not a likeable persons.echoe of words we have heard people say to us, like I hate you! You disgust me!,you are too fat!
Hey! what is wrong with being fat? That is not so much of a problem in Africa though, African men says a fat woman reveals her husband's wealth,that is the richer you are as a man the fatter your wife.That is not true and its by the way. I do not subscribe to a careless lifestyle but after you have done all you need to do to slim down and you could not reduce your size then you need to build up some good self esteem in that line and make people who tries to make you feel bad about your looks end up accepting you.Or even from our experiences maybe you are a single mom at teen age
or was raped or molested and you feel you have a lot to hide when people come close to find out they ain't going to love you anymore you go on avoiding people, you can't even talk to people because of the shame of all there is about you.
At this point am passionate because I was a victim of some sort and am going to give you practical steps.
1. First of all allow yourself to be healed of whatever hurt it is from the past and don't live in unforgiveness.God healed me of my past so I recommend you talk to Him.
2. Identify few reasons why you feel your self image is poor.You can listen to that negative voice one last time just to identify the things that has shaped your self image
3.You need to move in the opposite direction of those words.I subscribe you write out some positive words about yourself and say then to yourself in the mirror every time.e.g I am likeable,I have a sweet personality, am beautiful etc.Because your words tend to stick more than what you heard others say.
4.Self acceptance: in cases of low esteem based on your experiences,now is the time to trully believe there is no big deal.don't hide anymore, try to tell one or two people about your ugly past and make sure you move on, this might be a little bit difficult but trust me it leads to a major break through, when someone confronts you with your past receive it with excitement they are gonna feel suprises but play on and watch them accept you the way you have accepted your past.
5. Take every opportunity to do the things you have never done before, like public speaking or maybe you feel left out approach those ladies you have always tremble within you when you see them for all I know they might not be better than you are,maybe their walls isn't as thick as you think. Learn to be bold maintaining eye contact.
6.Keep doing it don't stop till you own it.Consistency and being deliberate will break you free from low self esteem.
So you see my dear life is what you get from it!.Use this message as it applies to you.I really appreciate your time please do share this article by clicking share on Facebook and also click on the RSS for update.Till next time we post ... keep being ontop of your games.