Tuesday, 17 June 2014


You are beautiful!
How dare you think of yourself lowly
Do you even realise that the creation was not complete without you?
Why would you sell yourself cheap to a man for money?
Hey! he needs you more than you want the money,
His vision, assignment, goal and aspiration was not achievable without the woman(you),you were created to help him.(Adam &Eve),
You are created with so much power and ability,
You are such a fertile ground,
He sows a seed in you and goes his way but in nine month you are back with the result even when he had forgotten his actions,
You are so full of world changing ideas if only you can look within,
Where are the women who knows their value is worth far more than rubies?
You need to brace up yourself with strength and courage,
knowing that within you lies the ability to change the world.
Get yourself some education!
Dust yourself up
Leave your disappointment behind,
Let your talk about men be how you compliment their weaknesses not how you are a weakness yourself.
You were carved  in beauty woman!
Never again loose your self worth
Every woman is powerful 
Power is your ability to cause a change.
Change the world!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Brace Yourself Up For Exploit

Hi friends,
I am so sorry pals, have been away for so long,guess what? I found this writeup in my draft for the past three months got too busy with life that I forgot to share.Well I think its a cool stuff it might just help someone.....Enjoy yourself.

Trust y'all doing great and hope we had a happy holiday,Well around me activities as finally returned to normal,everyone is back to school,to work and so on.
For me self appraiser is a culture I learnt to ask myself about every steps,decision and time I spend.I believe this is a prudent act for most people too and if you don't give account of your actions to your self then you need to start this great way of life.So last year "2013" I read my year note where I wrote all my expectations and plans for that year and I found out that I achieved much more than I thought nevertheless not all expectations were met.so as the year began my major goal is to device a better way of making my "godly"plans happen, Here are certain truths I found out.
1. Never leave anything to ambiguity: I want you to know that people who achieved less are lazy people who left everything to chance,am not saying am perfect but am just saying laziness can just be not thinking through. Let me give you practical instances to substantiate my point.
Plans For 2014 are
1.Increase financial income
2.Career expansion or promotion 
3 Finding the right guy 
4.Traveling abroad
And so on you can fill in the gaps.

Here is the points you know what exactly what these means but you have to be detailed in planning and work it out before you start.Talking finance you need to break down the process of increasing your income , are you going to need more jobs,increase your savings, or do business and going further to decide your source of capital for the business and have a busniess plan and so on.
For career expansion,this will not just happen it needs proper planning and to get this done,you need to increase your skills and expertise and put in a better attitude to work this year.you may need to also take one or two professional exams to be more qualified.
Finding the right guy might just be a decision to start dressing like the kind of lady your kind of guy will like or as the case maybe.
For every of your plans for this year make sure you find a corresponding action in order to achieve your goals.
" Madness is doing same thing and expecting a different result".
I wish you all a prosperous year .
Thank you.