Monday 7 October 2013


Dress sense is a critical aspect of every woman's life, since we are naturally endowed with beauty we must be deliberate to give our beauty a complimenting outfit,else we could be wrongly addressed.
Having a great dress senses entails deliberate acts which I will like to share with you.
Women basically are in the habit of keeping a full wardrobe full of clothes we do not need.You will agree with me that we all have preference for our certain clothes.

 Here are some steps to having a dress sense

1. Get your wardrobe sorted if it looking too filled with out-grown, out-dated or seasonal wears.

2. Find out what's new about your fashion/ style. if you are a casual person find out the cut or shape of the latest jean and how it been worn e.g boot cut, pencil jean, leggings,t- shirt new colour mix etc.

3. Plan your next shopping, make a list of your "wanna buy" and find out where you can get can try some online boutiques.resist the temptation to get all your stuff in same store it could be disadvantageous. try different stores compare prizes and also do not have to go for common stuffs try to be unique.
Note: when you are choosing your stuffs consider your existing wardrobe.for instance when you are picking a denim consider the colour of the tops in your wardrobe.alternate your plain and pattern choices.when you choose a plain top choose a pattern denim or skirt or plain top and trouser their colours compliment each other.Pick the right undies for your wears.

4. Get the right foot wears,your clothes will determine your footwear.Trainers pumps,hills,platform,sandals are to be worn differently.

5. Do not forget to get lots of accessories, it plays a major role on how your look and enhances your beauty when properly combined.

6. Plan your outfit ahead of your need a simple math here and you need to be creative with your combinations.flowery on plain,red on blue,cream on brown.Three to four colours in one outfit isn't bad but make sure four does it.
Warning:  Wearing all red could be a turn off, wear a touch of red instead.

I do hope you find this interesting let me know if you need some more help.Eze 16:10-14


Unknown said...

Good one. .......

Tolulope Aina Moriyonu said...

Dear Dare,thanks for keeping update am glad about your comment you can subscribe to our blog for more updates.thank you